Enumeration CryptoError

CryptoError is a range from 0x100 to 0x01FF. It maps from the TLS AlertDescription codes, offset by 0x100. These are known codes of TLS 1.3 hardcoded in QUIC RFC 9000. See the TLS 1.3 codes in: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8446#section-6

Enumeration Members

AccessDenied: 305
BadCertificate: 298
BadCertificateStatusResponse: 369
BadRecordMac: 276
CertificateExpired: 301
CertificateRequired: 372
CertificateRevoked: 300
CertificateUnknown: 302
CloseNotify: 256
DecodeError: 306
DecryptError: 307
HandshakeFailure: 296
IllegalParameter: 303
InappropriateFallback: 342
InsufficientSecurity: 327
InternalError: 336
MissingExtension: 365
NoApplicationProtocol: 376
ProtocolVersion: 326
RecordOverflow: 278
UnexpectedMessage: 266
UnknownCA: 304
UnknownPSKIdentity: 371
UnrecognizedName: 368
UnsupportedCertificate: 299
UnsupportedExtension: 366
UserCanceled: 346

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