Enumeration ConnectionErrorCode

QUIC transport error codes https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9000#section-20.1 Note that CryptoError is a range of error codes. Therefore it is not featured in this enum. You can instead fetch it from the constants.

Enumeration Members

AEADLimitReached: 15
ApplicationError: 12
ConnectionIdLimitError: 9
ConnectionRefused: 2
CryptoBufferExceeded: 13
FinalSizeError: 6
FlowControlError: 3
FrameEncodingError: 7
InternalError: 1
InvalidToken: 11
KeyUpdateError: 14
NoError: 0
NoViablePath: 16
ProtocolViolation: 10
StreamLimitError: 4
StreamStateError: 5
TransportParameterError: 8

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