Function processClientStatus

  • Process client status Options are used for connecting PolykeyClient Variant of processClientOptions Use this when you need always need the status info when reading the status


    • nodePath: string
    • Optional nodeId: NodeId
    • Optional clientHost: string
    • Optional clientPort: number
    • fs: any = ...
    • logger: Logger = ...

    Returns Promise<{
        clientHost: string | undefined;
        clientPort: number | undefined;
        nodeId: NodeId | undefined;
        status: Status;
        statusInfo: StatusStarting | StatusStopping | StatusDead;
    } | {
        clientHost: string;
        clientPort: number;
        nodeId: NodeId;
        status: Status;
        statusInfo: StatusLive;
    } | {
        clientHost: string;
        clientPort: number;
        nodeId: NodeId;
        status: undefined;
        statusInfo: undefined;

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