Interface FileSystem


  • FileSystem



promises: {
    mkdir: {
        (path, options): Promise<string | undefined>;
        (path, options?): Promise<void>;
        (path, options?): Promise<string | undefined>;
    rm: ((path, options?) => Promise<void>);

Type declaration

  • mkdir: {
        (path, options): Promise<string | undefined>;
        (path, options?): Promise<void>;
        (path, options?): Promise<string | undefined>;
      • (path, options): Promise<string | undefined>
      • Asynchronously creates a directory.

        The optional options argument can be an integer specifying mode (permission and sticky bits), or an object with a mode property and a recursive property indicating whether parent directories should be created. Calling fsPromises.mkdir() when path is a directory that exists results in a rejection only when recursive is false.

        import { mkdir } from 'node:fs/promises';

        try {
        const projectFolder = new URL('./test/project/', import.meta.url);
        const createDir = await mkdir(projectFolder, { recursive: true });

        console.log(`created ${createDir}`);
        } catch (err) {


        • path: PathLike
        • options: MakeDirectoryOptions & {
              recursive: true;

        Returns Promise<string | undefined>

        Upon success, fulfills with undefined if recursive is false, or the first directory path created if recursive is true.



      • (path, options?): Promise<void>
      • Asynchronous mkdir(2) - create a directory.


        • path: PathLike

          A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the file: protocol.

        • Optional options: null | Mode | MakeDirectoryOptions & {
              recursive?: false;

          Either the file mode, or an object optionally specifying the file mode and whether parent folders should be created. If a string is passed, it is parsed as an octal integer. If not specified, defaults to 0o777.

        Returns Promise<void>

      • (path, options?): Promise<string | undefined>
      • Asynchronous mkdir(2) - create a directory.


        • path: PathLike

          A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the file: protocol.

        • Optional options: null | MakeDirectoryOptions | Mode

          Either the file mode, or an object optionally specifying the file mode and whether parent folders should be created. If a string is passed, it is parsed as an octal integer. If not specified, defaults to 0o777.

        Returns Promise<string | undefined>

  • rm: ((path, options?) => Promise<void>)
      • (path, options?): Promise<void>
      • Removes files and directories (modeled on the standard POSIX rm utility).


        • path: PathLike
        • Optional options: RmOptions

        Returns Promise<void>

        Fulfills with undefined upon success.



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