Table data structure.
npm install --save @matrixai/table
Run nix develop
, and once you're inside, you can use:
# install (or reinstall packages from package.json)
npm install
# build the dist
npm run build
# run the repl (this allows you to import from ./src)
npm run tsx
# run the tests
npm run test
# lint the source code
npm run lint
# automatically fix the source
npm run lintfix
npm run docs
See the docs at:
Publishing is handled automatically by the staging pipeline.
# npm login
npm version prepatch --preid alpha # premajor/preminor/prepatch
git push --follow-tags
# npm login
npm version patch # major/minor/patch
git push --follow-tags
# npm login
npm version patch # major/minor/patch
npm run build
npm publish --access public
git push
git push --tags
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